Genaro Zavala Enríquez
Tecnológico de Monterrey
Seminar: December 6, 2021
Genaro Zavala Enríquez is leader of SOI-STEM, Socially Oriented Interdisciplinary STEM Education Research Group of the Institute for the Future of Education and full professor at the School of Engineering and Sciences of the Tecnológico de Monterrey.
He collaborates with the Faculty of Engineering of the Andrés Bello University of Chile. He is an Industrial Physical Engineer from Tecnológico de Monterrey in Monterrey and a Doctor of Solid State Science and Technology from Syracuse University in Syracuse, NY. He is a Level 2 National Researcher in Mexico. His lines of research are interdisciplinary STEM education, socially oriented education, active participation of students in their learning, assessment tools, teacher development, data science in education and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).
Genaro Zavala was appointed member of the editorial board of the journal Physical Review Physics Education Research of the American Physical Society (2015-2018), vice president of the Latin American Physics Education Network (LAPEN, 2013-2015) and coordinator of the Topical Group: Evaluation of Learning and Instruction of the International Group for Research and Teaching of Physics (GIREP). Dr. Zavala is a member of the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) where he was a candidate for president of the association, member of the Committee on Research in Physics Education (RiPE), member and president of the International Committee and elected member of the Physics Education Research Leadership Organizing Council (PERLOC) in the period 2015-2018.